This project started off as a plan to just update my 'Drum Cam Valve' for an upcoming hydroponics system build I'm tinkering on. But I ended up just going with a full-on new design, which has resulted in the handful of new multi-channel valves pictured above.
The main problem with the Drum Cam Valve, aka Cam Valve Gen2, was with challenges in ensuring and maintaining a complete seal on all closed channels. Although I did find viable ways to make these valves work for previous hydro projects, they required a bit of effort to get them to work consistently that I'd rather avoid for future builds.
In addition to improving the valving performance, I also wanted a design that I could relatively easily scale to different channel counts. The variants pictured above had 3, 8, and 6 channels (from left to right). To vary the channel count, all I need to do is modify the base and cam wheel to accommodate more valve flexures (more on what I mean by that here shortly).
As with the two generations of cam valves that came before these are pinch valves, where each channel is separate tube passing through. All of these builds are also intended to have only one channel (or no channels) open at a time. It was the way that this pinching happens that was the primary driver for the changes between Gen2 and Gen3. In Gen2, the contact of the pincher was a ball bearing, and it was that spherical contact with the cylindrical tubing that led to the difficulties in getting a good seal. So for this revision I wanted to go back to something I tried in Gen1, which was to have a line contact. And to remove the need for any sort of linear bearing solution, I went with a four bar equivalent flexure mechanism to guide the motion of the ‘blade’ that gives the line contact.
To actuate these valve flexures, I arrayed them around a central cam wheel. The cross-section image below shows how the interface between the cam wheel and one of these flexures looks along the line of action. The image shows how the valve looks when open, where the cam wheel has the smallest radius.
And the image below shows the real world version of the variant shown in the above cross-section. This frontal view shows how the cam radius varies. The two valves on the bottom are closed, and the one on top is open, just as shown in the cross-section.
Valve Flexures
All of the valve assemblies I’ve built thus far have used the same flexure valve design, as shown in the images below. Each valve flexure has a mount location on the moving element where a rolling element bearing is attached with an M4 fastener. This bearing rolls along the cam wheel to open and close the valve. When open, the flexure is unstessed and the blade disengages the tubing, and when it is closed, the flexure is displaced and the tubing is pinched closed.
The image below shows one of the simulation results for the deflection of the valve. As the simulation shows, the “rigid” base element is expected to deflect a meaningful amount, but this is/was intentional. The idea behind allowing for this compliance was to reduce the sensitivity to tolerance stack up. The idea is that the nominal dimensioning is set to compress the tubing beyond what is actually needed by greater than the expected maximum deviation is stack up. As long as this base is substantially stiffer than the tubing, the vast majority of the deflection should be confined to the tubing until ‘lock up’ is achieved. Without compliance in the base, if the cam drove the follower beyond the lock up point of the tubing, the radial load would spike until compliance SOMEWHERE in the system accounts for this extra displacement....aka, something breaks. So, to avoid having the location of this compliance being selected for me, I opted to leave some compliance here in the rigid portion of the flexure.
In the initial testing, however, the actual relative displacement between the tubing and flexure base appears to show meaningfully more relative compliance in the flexure base than I expected. This wasn't a huge surprise, given how unpredictable printed polymers can be. So I just added some additional reinforcing to this section from the base that surrounds it in the assembly.
(10) M4x12 BHCS fasteners - Six for attaching flexures to Base and four for attaching servo to Servo Mounts. The latter can be shortened to as short as 8mm.
(3) 608RS 8x22x7 Bearings - I bought this hundred pack since it makes the cost per bearing so damn lovely, but you obviously don't need nearly this many. This size bearing is the same as move roller skate bearings...FYI
(1 - optional) Aluminum Servo Horn - I used these cause I had some extras from a previous project, but you could probably use the plastic one that comes with the servo if you prefer. Just have to find the right fasteners.
Silicone Tubing - I've been using this aquirium air line tubing for a number of these projects recently. It's cheap and has seemed to work fine for me, but it's not technically made for consider yourself informed. If you happen to know any reason I shouldn't be trusting this tubing, please do feel free to let me know!
NOTE: The linked product pages above are affiliate links, and I do earn a small commission on anything purchased through them. But the linked products are just what I've personally purchased and used for this build. Sometimes the quantities are more than what you'd need if this project is the only one you're planning on building with em. So you may want to look around for a package size that better suits your needs.
The first step was to get all of the parts printed. I used PETG for all of the FDM printed parts (which all parts can be FDM'd, but I did tinker with some other options as well). The only parts where this material choice is particularly important is for the Valve Flexures. These parts need enough compliance to not break when deformed, so I'd steer clear of any brittle materials, like PLA. For the Cam of the 6 channel version, I had PCBWay print it from SLA. The smoother surface finish is good for the rolling path of the bearing on the flexure, but if you print it FDM with the coupler facing down, the toolpaths follow the roller path and perform pretty well. The only other part I didn't FDM was the Cam Retainer for the 3 channel, which I had PCBWay print in Aluminum with SLM. This definitely wasn't necessary, but I want to experiment more with their metal-printing parts and this seemed like a good opportunity to do so. It came out great, and my gap choices for holding the bearing and fasteners came out nicely (getting a feel for tolerances on stuff like this is a big reason I want to experiment with the service).
With everything printed, the next step in the assembly process is to install the heat sets.
Each flexure gets a single M4 heat set inserted into the hole in the moving element of the flexure. I clamped mine in my panavise, with the rubber tips on the jaws holding onto the moving element to ensure I didn't accidentally buckle the blade flexures. They are quite thin, so they can't handle a ton of loading in that direction. If you push in the heat sets slow and with light pressure (as you're supposed to) this shouldn't be an issue anyway...but sometimes I get impatient.
All of the remaining heat sets go into the Base. The three M5 inserts are for attaching the Retainer and should be inserted from the Front (as shown below). All of the remaining holes in the Base are for M4 heat sets and should be inserted from the Back.
And the final parts that get the heat set treatment are the Servo Mounts. Each mount has two M4 heat sets for attaching the servo.
Mount A
Mount B
With all of the heat sets in place, I next installed each of the Valve Flexures. To fit them through their openings in the Base, rotate the flexure so that the moving part goes in first, then rotate it straight. Doing so will deflect the flexure, and it's a somewhat tight fit, but it should pop right into position and can then be tighted down with its two, M4x12 fasteners.
Once all of the flexures are attached, I next installed the Cam. First, popping the 6806-2RS bearing into place in the Base. Then the end of the Cam with the clover coupler is inserted into this bearing, and the second 6806-2RS is slid into position on the Cam. The Cam Retainer can then be lowered onto this bearing, and then its three M5 fasteners tighted down.
I then went around and installed each roller bearing on the end of the flexures. I rotated the cam so that the flexure I was working on was in the "open" position of the Cam to make things a bit easier. Each bearing gets a Bearing Retainer that sits inside of it and is secured to the flexure with an M4x16 fastener.
The next step was to get the servo installed. I started by attaching the servo to the two Servo Mounts. The Servo Mount A goes on the "long" side of the servo, where the mount is furthest from the rotational axis of the servo, as shown in the image below.
To get the servo horn aligned properly, I powered on the servo and set it to the 0 degree position. I then attached the Motor Coupler to the Servo Horn using two of the outer fastener locations (with the horn not attached to the servo.) Then I slid on the Servo Horn with the + shape of the clover aligned with the orientation of the servo. With it in position, I then tightened it down using the fastener through the center. I left the remaining two bolt holes unused.
With the Cam rotated so that a valve is open AND it's aligned with the coupler of the servo, I moved the servo into position and tightened it down with the four M4x20 fasteners.
The only thing left to do is to slide the tubing into position. I just moved each valve to the open position and laced the tubing through the two diamond-shaped openings.
(16) M4x12 BHCS fasteners - Twelve for attaching flexures to Base and four for attaching servo to Servo Mounts. The latter can be shortened to as short as 8mm.
(6) 608RS 8x22x7 Bearings - I bought this hundred pack since it makes the cost per bearing so damn lovely, but you obviously don't need nearly this many. This size bearing is the same as move roller skate bearings...FYI
(1 - optional) Aluminum Servo Horn - I used these cause I had some extras from a previous project, but you could probably use the plastic one that comes with the servo if you prefer. Just have to find the right fasteners.
Silicone Tubing - I've been using this aquirium air line tubing for a number of these projects recently. It's cheap and has seemed to work fine for me, but it's not technically made for consider yourself informed. If you happen to know any reason I shouldn't be trusting this tubing, please do feel free to let me know!
The six M4 heat sets around the perimeter should be inserted from the front. Three of the M5s should also be inserted from the front, see image on the left below. The remainder should be inserted from the rear.
The remainder of the assembly is basically the same as described under the 3 channel version described above.
NOTE: with a 270 degree servo, it should be possible to access seven of the eight channels, however, in my testing, I have only been able to use six of the eight.
(20) M4x12 BHCS fasteners - Sixteen for attaching flexures to Base and four for attaching servo to Servo Mounts. The latter can be shortened to as short as 8mm.
(8) 608RS 8x22x7 Bearings - I bought this hundred pack since it makes the cost per bearing so damn lovely, but you obviously don't need nearly this many. This size bearing is the same as move roller skate bearings...FYI
(1) 45kg RC Servo - I originally assembled this with the same 25kg servo used on the others, but it struggled to rotated the cam consistently. So I swapped it with this 45kg one I had on hand that has the same outer dimensions. It's probably overkill, but it gets the job done.
(1 - optional) Aluminum Servo Horn - I used these cause I had some extras from a previous project, but you could probably use the plastic one that comes with the servo if you prefer. Just have to find the right fasteners.
Silicone Tubing - I've been using this aquirium air line tubing for a number of these projects recently. It's cheap and has seemed to work fine for me, but it's not technically made for consider yourself informed. If you happen to know any reason I shouldn't be trusting this tubing, please do feel free to let me know!
The eight M5 heat sets go in the holes around the perimeter, and should be inserted from the front. All of the M4 heat sets should be inserted from the rear.
The remainder of the assembly is basically the same as described under the 3 channel version described above.
In my seemingly-endless tinkering with Peristaltic pumps, it occurred to me that the same concept used in a peristaltic pump to move fluid, could also be used to create a valve mechanism. So I decided to give it a shot, and it actually works pretty well!
There are three main elements to the design:
The Shoes - These are shown in orange in the above images. These parts include the guides for the tubing, and the wall that the tube will be compressed against when closed. There is one shoe for each tube/channel that is being valved.
The Stator(s) - Shown in electric blue in the images. These two parts bolt together, clamshell style, and act as the frame. They also house the main bearing journals that support the rotor.
The Rotor(s) - Red and grey in the images. Both ends of the rotor have a motor coupler bearing journal. The rotors also have the attachment points for the bearings that will compress the tubing.
Printed Parts
(Qty 2) Frame.stl - These make the Stator
(Qty 1) Rotor_Upper.stl
(Qty 1) Rotor_Lower.stl
(Qty 4) Shoe.stl
(Qty 3) BearingCap.stl - These extend the contact patch for the bearing to cover the full tube and also can be easily swapped to vary the compression gap for different tubing and/or seal.
(Qty 1) HandCrank.stl - To manually operate the valve - There are also mount locations on the Frame parts to attach a servo, but currently the drive torque required seems prohibitive (in my opinion)
(Qty 6 - Optional) - M4 Heat set inserts - These are for the top and bottom mount locations intended for motor mounts.
Heat set locations
One of the frames will have four, M3 heat sets inserted for attaching the frames together. These should be inserted from the inside (the smaller diameter).
Both frames will get four, M3 heat sets inserted around the perimeter, for attaching the shoes.
If you are going to insert the M4s into the frames, be careful when inserting the M3s to not obstruct the one M4 hole that intersects. You may want to use a shorter M3 for these holes.
The final M3s go into the Rotor_Upper. I was wanting to test using the expansion of the post when inserting the heat set to make an interference fit with the bearing, but I was too conservative on my post diameter. So no need to have the bearings in place when inserting the heat sets.
This design is for a digitally-controlled, four ‘channel’ valve assembly. I designed this specifically for the application shown in the picture above, where I wanted to be able to controllably dose from individual reservoirs to individual target plants. By combining a couple of these valves with a peristaltic pump, I could supply four plants from up to three reservoirs.
The valve works by the camshaft pushing steel balls against the tubing passing through the valve. The channels are closed except when the cam rotates such that the ‘pocket’ for that channel is rotated such that the ball can lift and release the tube. The video below shows one in action.
A good friend (and far better engineer than I) was kind enough to record a full Design Review video for this…but technical difficulties (aka I’m still new to OBS Studio) meant none of his audio was captured…oops…I am curious if people would actually be interested in these sorts of Design Review videos, any opinions or suggestions would be much appreciated!
Parts List
Printed Parts:
I’ve now made a handful of these valves, and I’ve made all of them from Overture PETG. I generally like working with PETG, and it holds up well for these. The only downside is that PETG does wear a bit at the contact between the drum and the steel balls. I haven’t experienced any problems, but I anticipate it will lead to progressively worse sealing over time. I didn’t want to use PLA because I expect mine to see a fair bit of UV exposure, but I’d be quite curious to hear what else folks try and what works well.
Two full valve assemblies' worth of parts.
Please note, I sliced/printed these prior to the release of organic supports in Prusa Slicer, of which I am a very big fan. If I were printing these today I would use organic supports…and actually, I just realized that for the build I did in the images below, I did indeed slice it with them. But the screenshot I saved, is the screenshot I saved!
COTS parts
(Qty 2) 608 2RS Bearings — Aka skate board bearings. There’s not much demand on these bearings unless you’re putting yours in some weird/harsh environment, so any 8x22x7mm bearing should do fine.
(Qty 1) DS3225 Servo — It was originally designed for, and still can be built with, an MG995 servo, but while it seemed to operate fine for several weeks, I felt like it sounded like it was loading closer to stall than I wanted.
(Qty 8) 1/2" or 12.5mm balls — I have just been buying these in different sizes recently, but you obviously don’t need 100 pieces for this project.
(Qty ?) 5mm x 8mm Silicone Tubing — You’re looking for a compliant/soft tubing with the matching ID/OD. You would probably be fine (and maybe even get slightly better sealing) with a thicker wall, but at the cost of more Cam wear.
(Qty 4) M4 x 8.1 Heat set inserts — You should be able to use any length of M4 insert, just make sure to choose the corresponding fastener accordingly.
(Qty 1) M5 x 9.5 Heat set insert — This will be the load path from the servo to the camshaft, so just make sure you have enough thread engagement, but with it being M5, really any depth of insert should be fine.
There are a number of options for fasteners, and I tend to just use assorted kits for each size, which is overkill for the few fasteners you’ll need for this. So I’ll list them here
(Qty 4) m4 x 10 BHCS
(Qty 1) m5 x 30 BHCS — could also sub this with an m4x30 and replace one of the m5 nuts with an m4 nut, but may want to also toss in a washer just to be safe.
(Qty 2) m5 x 18 BHCS
(Qty 3) m5 hex nuts
Get all of the printed parts
Remove the supports
Get the DrumCam and 608 2RS bearings
Press one bearing into each side. Here I’m using additional bearings just as spacers for the press. Depending on your print settings, you shouldn’t need anywhere near an arbor press for this, but I’m lazy.
Melt the M5 insert into the hole in the DrumCam (see below picture for additional clarity)
DrumCam with heat set insert and bearings installed.Get M4 inserts and Housing.Melt in M4s for Servo mountNow get your 1/2"/12.5mm ballsDrop 2 balls into each bore in the Housing and get the DrumCamSlide the DrumCam onto the post on the Housing with the M5 insert facing the servo mount
Attach the ServoMount. First insert the M5 nuts into the hex recesses in the housing (not visible from this view)
Now get your servo, servo horn, mounting hardware, and ServoHornInterface.
Attach the servo horn to the servo. You’ll want to power up the servo and set the position to Zero degrees (or whatever you decide on, but you’ll need your code and this alignment to match up!)
Attach ServoHornInterface to Servo Horn
Attach servo to Housing with M4 fasteners and then connect ServoHornInterface to DrumCam with M5
This project is part of a collection of AgTech projects that I am working on putting together as an open source hardware project, JFS Agri. I am excited by the intersection of growing my own food and playing with tech toys :) if you’d like to see a summary of the projects along the way, I’ve started an overview page here. I’d love to find like-minded folks with a similar interest that are interested in collaborating, generating data, or just chatting about AgTech!