Baoding Ball Stand
Small (sized for ball measured at 40mm diameter)
A little desk stand for small Baoding balls (or meditation balls, stress balls, etc.). I designed it based on 40mm diameter balls (the black ones in the pictures), but the green balls in the pictures are 48mm diameter and still fit well enough for me.
Should print fine with no supports, brims, etc. I printed mine in PETG at 0.48 layers....I tend toward quick and 'pretty enough' :)
The stand pictured was printed in Black Overture PETG. You can find the slicer files and such here on Printables. If you like the look of those balls...I honestly am having trouble containing my 12 yr old self constantly on this one....they are these "Greenish" ones. I partially bought them just because I love that they actually called them "Greenish"
Large (sized for balls measured at 51mm diameter)
This one is pretty much the same as the one above, but was sized for the larger, 51mm (2") diameter balls. I did also slightly modify the profile on the sides, so there is a slight aesthetic difference I suppose.
Caliper Stands:
Generative Design Caliper Stand